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Photo by Kevin Butz / Unsplash

Welcome to Talkfunding, crowdfunding videos to amplify your business, campaign and brand. Our interviews seek to validate your product or service you're crowdfunding whilst at the same time authenicate your good self as an entrepeneur or the company you're representing.

Well done for all the hard work to get to this stage. After building and then losing my first business and paper million in 2008, I know how 'God Damn' hard it is to progress an idea into reality. My motto post 2008, is 'Life is too short, not to help one another.' Tbis motto is the foundation stone of Talkfunding.

Talkfunding can help you along your journey in realising your dreams. This is not a glib, through away phrase.

Our interviews platform, creates an independent 3rd party stage for you to walk out on to promote your business, campaign and brand. Everyone from solo entrepeneurs to well established companies have walked on and benefitted from the experience. Please check out our testimonials.

Talkfunding Intervierw - TALKFUNDING INTERVIEW | TidyCal

We also provide advisory calls which are proving very useful to campaigns either pre or post launch. Pre launch, we've checked the copy and logical structure of the campaign page and how it 'fits' into product-market fit. Post launch, we've advised campaigns who are struggling or indeed panicking as the campaign end date looms.

Talkfunding Intervierw - Advisory Call | TidyCal
Advisory Call

All is never lost. One can take the crowdfunding journey as massive feedback not only to the product market-fit of your product or service but also a deep reflection to your journey as an entrepreneur or the stage your company finds itself in.

If you need a little push to take on our services, we offer a 20 minute discovery call. These calls always help for us to get to know each other and to see how we can best help you fulfill your dreams.

Talkfunding Intervierw - Discovery Call | TidyCal
Discovery Call

Here are a few testiominals to get you over the line:


Looking forward to meeting you soon. Book today.

Alan and the Team.